Day 14–30 Days of Journaling for Self-Discovery: What self-love looks like to me

Kahurangi H
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


A recent photo of me
A recent photo of me

My previous post was about gratitude’s role in my life (and what I can do to be thankful every day); today I’m writing about what self-love looks like to me and how I can show myself more love each day.

I journaled about what self-love should look like, and how I can show myself loved a couple of weeks ago.

This was after realizing that when I felt unloved, I self-sabotage. I realized this when I woke up one morning and instead of getting out of bed, drinking water, and meditating, I doom-scrolled instead.

I think I self-sabotage as a form of punishment. For what? I don’t know, what I do know is that it’s weird to realize what’s happening, but not be able to stop.

Once I got out of bed, I started thinking about how I need to work on loving and being kind to myself, especially when I feel down, unloved, unheard, or annoyed.

A picture of a swing with a sign that says self love above it
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Showing myself love and compassion means pushing through sadness and discomfort (this doesn’t mean pretending the feelings aren’t there) and showing up for myself when I feel like it the least.

Self-love isn’t just about showing myself compassion and kindness. I wish I had known this earlier, it’s also about showing myself love in the ways I need to be loved.

My love languages are physical touch and quality time. This could mean hugging myself or going for a walk alone to get coffee when I feel unloved or hurt (actually, why wait until feel unloved to take myself out? Why not do it because I’m worthy of making time for myself?)

A woman hugging herself
Photo by Vanessa Kintaudi on Unsplash

Self-love is about doing things for my mental health that protect my energy. This could be cutting people off, setting boundaries, or making the bed, dressing, or showering when I feel like hiding away from the world.

Self-love is about recognizing patterns and breaking cycles — I know a big one for me is self-sabotage

Self-love means understanding that everybody has their own life, feelings, and thoughts. It means knowing no one will be able to love me as much as I need to love myself — what I mean by that is I am the only person that can make me whole.

In embracing the journey of self-love, I’ve realized self-love requires showing myself love each day. It means recognizing my worthiness in moments of vulnerability and showing myself kindness and compassion, despite my circumstances. As I continue to navigate this path, I am committed to breaking patterns of self-sabotage and prioritizing self-care.

Hasn’t A Clue posts about self-compassion

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖