30 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

Kahurangi H
4 min readFeb 5, 2024


My journal collection from 2017
My journal collection from 2017

I have been journaling for as long as I can remember. Even before I got my first journal at around 10, it was easier for me to write about my feelings than it was to talk about them.

I’ve recently started doing ‘Morning Pages’ each morning— three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing, first thing in the morning. However, with recent events (fucking up my knees while tripping on cobblestones and my upcoming 40th birthday), I’ve felt the need to dig even deeper into the deepest pits of my soul.

In response, I’m starting a 30-day journaling challenge. For this challenge, I created a list of 30 prompts. I’m sharing the list here in case 30 days of journaling is something you might also be interested in.

While I’ll be sharing my entries here, all you’ll need is a pen and paper (or a computer). I’ll be sharing my entries because I want Hasn’t A Clue to be a place where people looking to grow can find inspiration and feel like they’re not alone in what they’re going through.

a photo of a mixed media visual journal
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

30 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

  1. How am I feeling right now?
  2. What’s going well in my life?
  3. What advice would I give to my younger self?
  4. What would my perfect day look like if there were no limits? What activities, people, and experiences would fill my day?
  5. Have there been times that I have felt uncertain? How did I handle them? What did it teach me about myself?
  6. What books have helped me grow? What ideas influenced me the most?
  7. What activities or hobbies bring me joy? How can I do more of them?
  8. Have there been times when I have stepped out of my comfort zone? What did I learn about myself?
  9. What are some of my favorite travel memories? What lessons did I learn from exploring new places?
  10. What is a fear or belief that has held me back? How can I change it to feel more confident?
  11. Describe a time I felt proud of myself. What skills and strengths did I use?
  12. What does forgiveness mean to me, and is there someone or something I need to forgive to move forward?
  13. What role does gratitude play in my life? How can I be thankful every day?
  14. What does self-love look like to me? How can I show more love to myself every day?
  15. What does mindfulness mean to me? How can I practice it every day?
  16. How do I talk to myself? What tone do I use — are there negative thoughts I can turn into positive ones?
  17. What does my morning routine look like? Are there any positive changes can I make?
  18. How can I sleep better for overall well-being?
  19. What topics am I curious about, and how can I learn more?
  20. What are my favorite self-care activities? How can I do more of them?
  21. What are my spiritual beliefs? How do they guide my sense of purpose and meaning in life?
  22. How does nature affect me? How can I spend more time in nature?
  23. What is my relationship with perfectionism? How can I accept imperfection and grow?
  24. Has there been a time when I doubted myself? What helped me and how can I use those strategies again?
  25. How can I make exercise a fun and consistent part of my routine?
  26. What is my role in my family? How can I be a positive contributor and strengthen family bonds?
  27. How do I feel about positive affirmations? How can I use them to improve my mindset?
  28. What is my sense of humor like? What makes me laugh, and how can I bring more humor into my daily life?
  29. What are some of my favorite podcasts and why?
  30. What is purpose? What activities align with my sense of purpose, and how can I prioritize them?

I hope you enjoyed this post. As mentioned, I’ll be sharing my responses to each prompt here. It’s a bit nerve-racking, to be honest, but I want ‘Hasn’t A Clue’ to be a safe space for self-exploration, growth, and open discussions.

If you decide to take part in this challenge, I’d love to hear about your journey of self-discovery and how things are going! 💖

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖