Turning 40: My Thoughts and Reflections Upon Entering Another Decade

Kahurangi H
3 min readFeb 1, 2024


A recent photo of me
A recent photo of me

I recently added Morning Pages to my morning routine. This morning as I wrote the date in my journal, reality hit me — in a week, I’ll be 40.

Honestly, the thought is fucking terrifying. Maybe it’s the uncertainties I have about where I am in life, maybe it’s that life hasn’t turned out as I had expected, or maybe it’s the occasional feeling I have of being stuck. Maybe, it’s of it all. Whatever it is, at times, I find myself battling a strong feeling of existential dread.

When I was a kid 40 seemed so far away and turning 10 was huge. I was entering double digits, I had been alive for a decade and was going to be a teenager soon. Now I’m coming up on four decades and I’m shitting my pants in ways I didn’t when I turned 20 or 30.

A picture of a man looking out to sea
Photo by shraga kopstein on Unsplash

This feeling of dread has had me asking myself the following questions a lot recently

  • what the fuck have I done with my life
  • what have I got to show for it?

I guess I feel like this because

  • I’m not married
  • I don’t have kids
  • I don’t have a home
  • I don’t have as much money as I would like to have had at this age

Sometimes life (especially the last few years) has felt like an endless merry-go-round of life lessons and character-building; I’ve been through a lot.

  • A divorce
  • Several moves
  • Selling a leaky apartment (and then still owing money on it, because it sold for less than what was owed on the mortgage)
  • Needing to replace several broken phones
  • Losing a debit card and having someone spend a shit tonne of money on it
  • Losing a job
  • A handful of traumatic events
A sign that says: you’re not lost, you’re here
Photo by Thiébaud Faix on Unsplash

With all that has happened, it’s easy to feel trapped as if bad luck follows me around, but I know that isn’t true. I’ve come so far over the last few years — the last week itself is evidence of how much I have grown especially in how I handle setbacks and shitty situations like tripping over cobblestones and fucking up my knees.

As tough as the past few years have been, they have taught me:

  • Self-compassion
  • The importance of gratitude
  • Resilience
  • That I am far more capable than I ever realized.

I’ve done and learned so much, I’ve met amazing people and realized that not only am I good at my job, but I’m good at connecting with people and building relationships.

I also know that I can do so many things I thought I couldn’t/wouldn’t do:

  • Flying long distance/traveling alone
  • Learning to drive(I still need to get my license)
  • Learning to love myself

When thinking about how scary turning 40 seems, I’m learning that it’s not about what I haven’t done or focusing on the what-ifs or the things I feel went wrong, instead, it’s about focusing on and celebrating the small things that often go overlooked.

40 is only as scary as I allow it to be, it could be my best fucking year yet if I let it.

This year I’m choosing to focus on growth and experience rather than what I feel I lack, so let’s see where it goes…

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖