Cultivating Happiness: A Mindful Approach to Gratitude

Kahurangi H
3 min readJan 12, 2024


street art that says: everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

My first Medium article was about gratitude and how embracing a thankful mindset enhanced my happiness and overall contentment. Today, I want to talk about how I practice gratitude, how my practice has evolved, and some of the things I’ve learned.

When I first started expressing gratitude, I was depressed AF. I’d heard of the supposed benefits tied to gratitude and hoped it would be the miracle cure for all of my issues. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

I also think that when it came to gratitude, I was so anxious and hyper-vigilant all the time due to C-PTSD (yay!) that I was never really able to sit and properly reflect on my day; I’d just hurriedly write things.

This meant my initial attempts were flippant and cynical because, honestly, I couldn’t think of anything I was genuinely thankful for. Things were fucked up, but they could be worse, right? What I didn’t realize at the time, was that I was gaslighting myself into thinking everything was fine, by suppressing the negative feelings and emotions I was experiencing.

A few years ago, I decided to try gratitude again and noticed the following changes.

  • I became more mindful throughout the day
  • My focus shifted to appreciating what I had, celebrating the small joys instead of dwelling on what I felt I lacked.
  • Rather than brushing aside negative emotions, I embraced them as a natural part of being human and I started focusing on the lessons I learned during tough times, and how I felt supported by those around me
a photo of a gratitude list from my journal
entry from my journal

This brings me to how my practice has evolved and my current approach to practicing gratitude

When I resumed practicing gratitude, despite dedicating time to the task, my entries still felt rushed (mostly because I’d grab my journal as an afterthought right before bedtime). Now, I intentionally take the time to truly reflect on my day by incorporating the following practices:

  • Looking at the photos I took that day
  • Recalling the noteworthy moments of the day.
  • Thinking about what made the challenging moments more manageable (such as using CBD for my endometriosis cramps).
  • Acknowledging the victories of the day.

What have I learned/gained from practicing gratitude?

  • Mindfulness: Through practicing gratitude, I have to be more mindful throughout the day, which has fostered a heightened awareness of the present moment.
  • Shift in Perspective: My focus has shifted from dwelling on what I perceived I lacked to appreciating and celebrating the small joys in life.
  • Embracing Emotions: Rather than suppressing negative emotions, I have learned to acknowledge and embrace them as a natural part of being human. This has led to a healthier emotional relationship with myself.

I feel I have found a path from cynicism to celebration with gratitude now a deliberate practice, bringing both awareness and joy into each day.

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖