Day 8–30 Days of Journaling for Self-Discovery: Stepping out of my comfort zone

Kahurangi H
5 min readFeb 16, 2024


A photo of me sitting on a letterbox as a kid
A photo of me sitting on a letterbox as a kid

Today is day 8 of my 30-day journaling journey of self-discovery. In my previous post, I looked into my interests and how I can do more of the things I enjoy.

Today’s prompt is: Have there been times when I have stepped out of my comfort zone? What did I learn about myself?

So today, I’m looking at the moments I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone, and the insights I’ve gained.

Photo of me when I worked at Lush, Ninja the Flat Cat, and when I sat behind the pilot on a Cessna

Times I have stepped out of my comfort zone

I am constantly stepping out of my comfort zone. Part of that is because the past few years have been filled with uncertainty, and part of it is due to having C-PTSD and being fueled by anxiety. I’m not as anxiety-ridden as I used to be, but I can still be hyperfocused and often freak out in new situations or times when I need to be vulnerable.

Here’s a list of some of the times I have stepped out of my comfort zone

Working retail

I worked a couple of retail jobs in my 20s. As someone with high levels of anxiety, I’m not only surprised that I did it, but that I enjoyed it and was good at it.

Moving to a different city and finding a flat

After my marriage ended, I moved to a different city, on a different island where aside from a few online friends I didn’t really know anyone.

I initially moved in with my brother before looking for a flat. The city I moved to has a reputation for being racist, so I was scared shitless.

  • what if everyone I meet is racist?
  • what if the people I meet hate me?
  • what if I made a mistake by ending my marriage?

I had so many things going on in my head, but I didn’t need to worry about them. I ended up moving into a great flat, with even better people and a bonus cat. I’m so glad to have found, met, and lived with them.

Traveling (this involved flying long distances alone)

While I love traveling and seeing the world, I have a fear of flying and I hate the unknown (I guess it’s because I have no control over the unknown) so flying long distances, especially by myself scares the living shit out of me.

in September 2022, I flew from New Zealand to Belize (with a stopover in Houston). In the days leading up to my flight, I was so nervous my chest pains were so bad, that I thought I either had Covid or was having a heart attack.

When I got to Belize during my flight from Belize City to Placencia I was seated directly behind the pilot on a small Cessna. I spent the entire flight hoping I didn’t drop out of the sky.

Posting photos of myself

For the longest time, I hated how I looked, and posting photos of myself would bring up my insecurities. When I started working out, I decided to post progress photos, initially, it was to see how much weight I lost, but that turned into tracking my muscle definition, even then I was still filled with fear about posting selfies, but I figured that my progress could inspire someone else.

Speaking Spanish in stores and restaurants in Mexico and Guatemala

As someone learning Spanish, this terrifies me.

  • what if I mess something up?
  • what if they don’t understand me?
  • what if I make a fool out of myself?

I still do it though — I’m in a Spanish-speaking country, and I want to learn a new language.

Posting articles on Medium

I honestly shit myself every time I hit the ‘publish’ or ‘schedule to publish’ buttons. Sharing my growth and the things I have learned about myself is terrifying.

  • what if people hate it?
  • what if people think I sound stupid?
  • what if I published it with a shit tonne of errors?

I’ve mentioned this before, but I want Hasn’t A Clue to be a safe place for people who are interested in holistic health and are on a self-improvement journey. To do that I need to put my fears aside and share my stories.

What have these moments taught me about myself?

Through stepping out of my comfort zone, I’ve discovered how resilient I really am.

It’s not something I think about much because I’ve always had to step out of my comfort zone, but I am seeing how much strength and courage it takes to confront difficult situations head-on.

Each experience, whether it’s traveling alone, learning a new language, or sharing personal stories, has contributed to my growth and self-awareness.

Through my journey of self-improvement, I’m learning more about my fears, motivations, and aspirations.

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖