Day 3–30 Days of Journalling For Self-Discovery: What advice would I give my younger self?

Kahurangi H
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


I decided to do a 30-day journaling challenge to dig into the deepest pits of my soul. I’ve done these kinds of challenges before, but for some reason, I wasn’t expecting how many feelings this challenge would bring up.

I guess that’s the point though, right? Self-reflection is about digging into the deepest, darkest parts of your soul, poking around, and working through your shit — no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Today’s prompt is about what advice I’d give my younger self…

two photos of me as a toddler
Me as a toddler

What advice would I give my younger self?

Why did I do this to myself? This might be the hardest prompt so far. I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour trying to work out what pieces of advice I would give my younger self.

I guess the thing is I’m not sure I’d give myself any advice as such and I would instead tell myself things I wish I knew/needed to hear.

I’d let myself know that I am and have always been loved and good enough and that one day I would start to realize this.

I guess the advice I would give myself would be to practice self-acceptance and compassion. I’d tell myself to embrace my strengths, weaknesses, and quirks — all the things that make me me.

I’d let myself know how fucking awesome I am and that I shouldn’t beat myself up if things go wrong or I make mistakes — they aren’t a reflection of me or my worthiness, they’re just things that happen.

I’d tell myself to trust my inner voice more, cry more, and do more of what scares me.

I guess the main piece of advice I would give myself I am fucking awesome, and I need to back myself.

Tomorrow I will be looking at what my ideal day would look like if there were no limitations, possibly my least wtf have I gotten myself into prompt yet.

If you want to take part in this challenge, you can find the list of prompts here.

All you’ll need is a pen and paper (or a computer, it’s up to you). I’m sharing my entries as my aim is for Hasn’t A Clue to become a safe space for growth, authenticity, and vulnerability where people find inspiration and a sense that they are not alone in what they are going through.

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Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖