Conquering Automatic Negative Thoughts: My Journey to Overcoming ANTs (pt. 2)

Kahurangi H
2 min readAug 16, 2023


A picture of a woman, surrounded by plants, lost in thought
IPhoto by Ron Lach on

Soon after I posted about how I manage negative thoughts, my mental well-being took a nosedive. Usually, I’d joke about this being on brand; fuck that noise — things are only on brand if I reinforce the belief they are.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve allowed my inner critic to dominate; when this happens, I can be an absolute dick to myself and those around me. I know this is something I need to work on.

This is a reminder that the journey toward self-improvement and the person I want to be is an ongoing process. It takes time, practice, and a shit tonne of compassion.

It’s important to remember that there will be times when I will slip and fall short, and as much as the critical side of me would have me believe that I am the sum of my mistakes, these moments do not define me. I am not a failure, unloveable, unworthy, or any of the other things my lizard brain would have me believe.

As I work on rewiring my thought patterns and choose to avoid dwelling on negativity, it’s important to honor my emotions rather than suppress them. Life consists of ebbs and flows, navigating the ebbs requires effort; I must learn to navigate through them rather than staying still.

With that said, it is easier to work my way out of the ebbs than it used to be, and a lot easier to remind myself of the truth: I am loved, I am worthy and I am more than enough.



Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖