Mindful Living: My Intentions for 2024

Kahurangi H
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Bare feet grounding on January 1st 2024
Bare feet grounding on January 1st, 2024

In my previous post, I reflected on my journey through 2023 — reflecting on my personal growth, expressing gratitude, and highlighting standout moments. Today, I’m sharing my intentions for 2024.

I lean towards the term “intentions” instead of resolutions or goals because, to me, it carries a sense of purpose and emphasizes the process of continuous improvement. Life should be a journey that allows for flexibility and adaptability and I feel choosing the word intention aligns well with a more holistic and sustainable approach to personal development.

view of Volcán de Agua from cerro de la cruz in Antigua, Guatemala (photo was taken on January 1st 2024)
view of Volcán de Agua from Cerro de la Cruz in Antigua, Guatemala (photo was taken on January 1st 2024)

With that out of the way, here are my intentions for the year ahead:

  • Continue on my journey of mental, physical, and spiritual growth. I want want to do this by:
    Working on letting go of anger, finding productive outlets for rage
    - Communicating my wants and needs more effectively and expressing my emotions in productive ways (rather than bottling them in and or exploding)
    - Taking care of my basic needs when I am depressed
    - Working on letting my inner child know how loved and special she is
    - Working on meditating (my C-PTSD brain is constantly on alert, so I want to work on being able to be able to sit and be still for 5–10 minutes a day)
    - Abstaining from alcohol, I stopped drinking about a month ago, as I was sick of writing off multiple days, and the hangxiety I get after a night out drinking. I have also realized (and not for the first time) that I cannot do moderation).
  • Continue on my fitness journey by
    Getting 30 minutes of exercise in a day. This can be anything from dancing around the house, doing yoga, pilates, or a HIIT workout, or even going on a walk to get coffee.
    - Focusing on strength rather than weight loss
    - Eating foods that nourish me and make me feel good
    - Drinking more water, or any kind of fluid really, I usually only have. a cup of tea or coffee in the morning, which can’t be good for my kidneys.

In addition to my aspirations for the year, there are two words I want to focus on — “intention” and “abundance,”. I just realized that choosing “intention” over “goals” aligns with my desire for a more mindful life — one where I am attuned to my emotions, reactions, and how I communicate. The word “abundance” symbolizes my pursuit of a life rich in health, wealth, and happiness.

Stepping into 2024, guided by the words “intention” and “abundance,” I hope that my intentions shape a narrative of purpose and fulfillment. Here’s to an ongoing journey of growth where we make intentional choices and focus more on mindful living.



Kahurangi H

An author passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and spirituality. Join me on a journey of exploration and empowerment! 💖